From RReNews — Our apologies to RRB Chair Bennett. We corrected the link twice in the June RReNews for his edition of Mike Drop, yet it appears it still did not take. Please click here to read his June Edition! Greetings from the RRB, and welcome to the second edition[Read More…]
Building a Road Rally Program
WI: Blackhawk Valley Returns to Rallying
It’s been over 25 years, yet the SCCA Blackhawk Valley Region has returned to Road Rally! Rallymaster Tim Marx started with a GTA Rally in the form of a Poker Rally. Of course, the theme was The Bob Phillips Memorial Cheese Rally, named after a long-time member and Rallymaster of[Read More…]
IN: Michiana Jeep Rally Makes News with Camp Millhouse Charity
Another Michiana Jeep Rally is in the history books! Forty-six Jeeps (and one Camp Jeep) came out to run the event this year. Special thanks to Robert Thompson and the Cass County Road Commission for the use of the Milton Township garage as a starting point, Buzz and Julia Bolton[Read More…]
RRB Technical Bulletin on Vehicle Owner Insurance
Date: May 1, 2023 Technical BulletinFrom the SCCA RoadRally Board The RoadRally Board (RRB) has been asked by members of the RoadRally community to provide clarity on how SCCA insurance and vehicle owners insurance interact in the event of an incident during a sanctioned event. SCCA’s insurance underwriters provided this[Read More…]
SCCA RRB Quarterly Zoom Set for May 25th
Continuing the series of Quarterly Zoom Get-Togethers, which started in 2021, the SCCA RoadRally Board announces that the next session will occur on Thursday, May 25, 2023, from 8:00-10:00 PM EDT. Topics featured are: All SCCA members are invited to participate. Click here to join us on May 25th!
The Mike Drop by Mike Bennett, RRB Chair
Hello from the RoadRally Board (RRB), and welcome to the first edition of The Mike Drop! As you are likely aware, a LOT is happening in the SCCA RoadRally program this year. The Planning Calendar is overflowing with National, Divisional, Regional, Social, Charity, and Trek events, so grab a friend[Read More…]
OR: You “Dirty Rat!”
I did not invent the Dirty Rat. No, it was blatantly stolen (with “permission”) from expert RallyMaster Simon Levear, one of the best out there. After a series of relatively high-level trap-free rallies, someone put some traps into our “Friday Nighter” series. Simon responded with the first Dirty Rat, a[Read More…]
SCCA Texas Region Brings Back the Photo Rally!
It had been nine years since we held a photo rally in the Texas Region, so it was time to bring this format back. Rallymaster Liz Witt carefully crafted this year’s version of the Clear Blue Sky Rally along scenic North Texas country roads, and with very nice spring weather,[Read More…]
TX: Lone Star Region Rallyists Find Bluebonnets Along The Way
The registration for the Lone Star Region’s No Fooling Bluebonnet RoadRally, on Saturday, April 1st, was at the Dairy Queen in Johnson City, which we used as a starting point for the Twin Sisters Road Rally last spring. Although there was little shade, it was a cool day, and the[Read More…]
SCCA 2023 RoadRally Rules are “Hot off the Press” at Amazon!
Once again, the Sports Car Club of America, which has had their 2023 RoadRally Rules available as a pdf download on their website, are offering a printed version for their road rally organizers, competitors, and others enthusiasts outside of SCCA through Order your copy today for only $5.99 +[Read More…]