Author: John Poulos

TX: Texas Region Shortest Distance Map Rally

A shortest-distance rally is an untimed RoadRally following an undefined route. The object of this rally was to visit several interesting locations by the shortest route possible. Each team received a map with eighteen waypoints and had up to 30 minutes to determine their most efficient route. They then drove[Read More…]

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TX: Whodunit? Clue Rally

It had been nine years since we held a Clue-inspired GTA rally in the Texas Region, so it was time to return to this format. Rallymaster Liz Witt carefully crafted this year’s Whodunit? Clue Rally along scenic North Texas country roads. Liz explained, “You answer fun questions from signs you see along the way. We use puns and silly plays on words. While on[Read More…]

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TX: Texas Region’s Ongoing Foray into TSD Rallying!

On a weekend with temperatures soaring above 107 degrees, the Texas Region held a Solo and Time Trials event. A dramatic reminder of a RoadRally “competitive differentiator” over other disciplines: no helmets or fire suits required, and the ability to roll up the windows and enjoy the comforts of a/c!

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TX: Spring Paradise Road Rally

The fourth Texas Region RoadRally season event was held on Saturday, April 29—the Spring Paradise Trek on scenic and winding North Texas roads. Ten cars joined the drive on a great day for rallying – sunny if a bit windy. We welcomed three first-timer teams to the rally along with[Read More…]

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Upcoming Road Rally Events

Calendar of Events

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