RoadRally Standings

Arizona Border Rally Weekend Chairman Extends “Thanks”

Thanks to everyone for running the SCCA Arizona Border Region rallies. We hope you enjoyed the rallies and your weekend in sunny Arizona. The official results and the leg scores for both events are below. You’ll notice that we have also listed the Desert Sands legs in order by the average score on that leg, an indication of the difficulty of the leg.  

CP 34 (Leg 15 – onto Circulo Jacona) on Desert Sands was administratively discarded due to an error. The control was located past the callback mileage (my mistake).  

One protest was submitted on CP 46 (Leg 21 – Golondrina) on Desert Sands. The Claims Committee dismissed that claim.

I want to thank the people who made these rallies possible:

Jeanne English came from Los Angeles to pre-check both rallies.

Debbie Laitenberger pre-checked both rallies, worked registration and scoring for both rallies, and provided assistance to the rookie teams. 

Rosie Broberg provided the Friday night hospitality and ran in the lead car.

John Sears was the co-Rallymaster for Desert Sands.    

Karl Broberg was co-Rallymaster for Desert Sands, the Rallymaster for Great Canyon, lead car, and hospitality.  

Karl started working on these rallies more than a year ago. Having one rally end 90 minutes from his home and the other rally start 90 minutes from his home dramatically increased the hours and miles that Karl devoted to creating these two events. Thank you, Karl, for an outstanding job.

Jim and Janet Forbes completed the Desert Sands rally in their 1953 MG TD and made it partway through Great Canyon before the oil pressure gauge line sprang a leak, and they could not continue. They were able to get their car home Sunday night and had it running again by Tuesday.  

9 of the 27 cars that ran Great Canyon qualified for the Rookie Class, meaning that neither crew member had run more than two TSD rallies before. National rallies are challenging for even experienced competitors, and the Rookies did great. Congratulations to all of them!

Thanks again to all of you for joining us. It was our pleasure to meet you and to host you for this Arizona rally weekend.

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