History, Road Rally News, USRRC

2025 SCCA US Road Rally Challenge (USRRC)

After being asked again to seriously consider hosting the SCCA United States Road Rally Challenge, Neohio Region has agreed to present three rallies over the October 10-12th Weekend. Here are the (very preliminary) concepts for these rallies:

FRIDAY, October 10 – Johnny Appleseed, Canton, Ohio. An absolutely straightforward afternoon/evening TSD Tour rally heading southeast through Ohio’s Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District and south through the Appalachian foothills to an overnight halt in/near Marietta, Ohio. The Johnny Appleseed name is a legacy of a National Rally first hosted by the Neohio Region in the 1950s. The rally has changed form over the decades, but the name endures. The Rallymaster will be Greg Lester.

SATURDAY, October 11 – Ohio Milk Run, Marietta, Ohio. Absolutely straightforward TSD Tour rally running northbound and parallel to, but slightly west of, Friday’s route. The Milk Run name is an homage to an old motorcycle enduro that ran in the same area. The Rallymaster will be Ron Johnstonbaugh.

SUNDAY, October 12 – Cleveland Alley Rallye, Cleveland, Ohio. The Alley Rallye will be a resurrection of a once hugely popular annual event organized by the now-defunct Cleveland Sport Car Club, starting in the 1950s. It is a lighthearted tour that will introduce participants to the full spectrum of Cleveland’s urban landscape: the post-industrial “Flats,” distinct ethnic neighborhoods, grids of narrow brick streets separating century-old warehouses, mazes of alleys and loading docks beneath theaters and office towers, and breathtaking views of the mighty Cuyahoga River (yes, THAT Cuyahoga – the one that burned!). The Rallymaster will be Jeff Arendas.

Friday and Saturday’s TSD rallies will run as a part of the SCCA National Tour Championship, and the Cleveland Alley Rallye will be a Regional Course Rally. Competing in all three events is required to be eligible to trophy in the United States Road Rally Challenge!

Stay tuned for more details…

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