RoadRally Standings, SCCA RRB Checkpoint Chat

2022 SCCA RoadRally Rule Change Proposals

Update 210815 from RReNews – We served with Al Mills on our SCCA Region Board, and when there was a deadline, he always thought you might as well put in a short lead time, as many members would wait until the last week anyway. We received this from Mike Bennett, RRB Chairman, toward the first of August, and through the SCCA network, they have sent multiple mailings to National Competitors and rally membership. We are sending out these proposals in our August edition. Please take time to read through the items and if so inspired, send in your comments to by 11:59 PM, Tuesday, August 31st!

Mike Bennett, Chair of the SCCA RoadRally Board, and his fellow members are eager to read your comments on SCCA rule change proposals. These came to the RRB during the open rules change season, which ended in June. These nine proposals for 2022 are described below, and it is available to download. As stated in the proposal, “Do not infer that any of the following proposals have been endorsed or accepted by the RRB. They are being presented to you as they were submitted so that we will have the benefit of input from the road rally community in making our decisions.” Address your email feedback to:

Comments are closed.

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