RoadRally Standings

15th Annual Winter Challenge Road Rally

Rallymaster John Buffum

The 15th Annual Winter Challenge Rally Weekend will consist of a single SCCA New England Region rally running from 4PM Saturday until 2AM Sunday with two breaks. Although no car-breaking roads will be used, the majority of the roads chosen are rural and unpaved roads, which will undoubtedly be snow and ice covered. The rally will go no further east than Littleton, NH, no further north than Lyndon, VT, no further west than Montpelier, VT, and no further south than Randolph, VT.

This year the rally will again be STRAIGHT-FORWARD; no tricks and traps, perhaps a bit less ‘busy’, but with two or three opportunities to get off time – but NOT off course! It will, of course, be necessary to drive ‘briskly’, mostly in the third section.

The route of the rally will be approximately 250 miles, with the maximum distance between gas stops of 90 miles. The break between sections will be approximately 1 hour. There will be approximately one control per every 9 miles of rallying! (That’s one of the things that makes rallying ‘fun’.)

Much of the rally will be run at night on remote back roads. It is essential that you and your vehicle be prepared for backcountry winter driving. This means good winter tires or DOT approved studs, warning triangle, shovel, and a tow rope for the vehicle. This means warm clothes, blankets, flashlights, food, and whatever else you deem important.

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The 15th Winter Challenge Rally will be broken into three sections each with its own challenges and instruction format.

The first section will be in written instruction format. This section will be a TSD rally; relatively easy course following; I don’t expect people to go off course! Some TSD experience is always helpful. Boringly slow!

The second section will be a combination of a 2-15 mile map sections and tulip diagrams; brisk in places.

The third section will be tulip drawings, with mileages to most instructions; brisk in places.

Overall the Winter Challenge will be a thorough test of competitors’ rally expertise, ability to use their heads and car control on snowy roads. For more information or to view sample routes, head over to

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